Cardano -> Ethereum Conversion

We will go through the steps on converting TADA (AGIX on Cardano) to its equivalent currency AGIX on the Ehereum Block chian

Please choose the From Block chain as Cardano and the To Block chain as Ethereum

Please enter the amount you wish to convert and click the Convert Button

You will need to sign from your metamask to Authorize

You will see a cardano Adress to deposit this amount , please copy this address

and deposit the same amount of AGIX from Cardano on to this Wallet

You can do the deposit as show in the below steps

Make sure you select the correct Asset to transfer (TADA) , Equivalent of AGIX on Ethereum

Click on the Send Button

Now click on Confirm

CLick now on the continue button on the converter Dapp

Please give this some time to receive the Depoist event from Cardano

Once the Deposit has been received , you would see a screen like the below , click on the continue button

Click on the Claim Button to recieve the AGIX from Cardano on to Ethereum Wallet

Sign from Metamask to Authrnticate your wallet

Now confirm the recieve the AGIX on your Ethereum wallet

You would see a Successful messgae like the below

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