
Ethereum Wallet

  1. We recommend using Metamask for testing.

  2. Create an account

    1. Select the Network as Ropsten

      • Go to the Settings on your metamask

      • Now click on Advanced

      • Now Scroll down and you will see the option "Show Conversion on test networks"

      ensure its ON as shown below

  3. To get test Ether , use the Faucet

  4. To get AGIX on to your ethereum Wallet address , Go to the Faucet

  5. Login in with your githandle

  6. Provide your wallet address to receive AGIX

  7. You can add the ropsten AGIX token contract to your wallet: 0xA1e841e8F770E5c9507E2f8cfd0aA6f73009715d decimals: 8 The bridge will see your balance without this step too.

Please note we use WalletConnect as well to connect to your ethereum wallets, feel free to use any other ethereum wallets supported by Wallet Connect .

Cardano Wallet

  1. Install the Nami wallet (eternl and ccvault work too, need a wallet with dapp connector)

  2. Create an account

  3. Switch the network to Testnet under "Settings->Network"

  4. You can retrieve your address from the receive button

  5. To get test Ada , use the Faucet

  6. Enter your cardano wallet address and click on the Request Funds

you would the screen below then

you can check the status of your transaction on the Cardano Testnet explorer

Last updated